Broken Age is a classic point-and-click adventure game that tells the high-spirited tale of two young teenagers, Vella and Shay and intertwining events that bring their lives together.
The independent gaming scene exploded in recent years. According to Statista, between June and August 2017, there were 1,107 indie games released on Steam. This stat is up from 685 games released in the corresponding period in 2016. For my first indie game, I’m going to highlight the hit Double Fine game Broken Age, a game that made headlines when it became the first to be completely funded by Kickstarter. The game features two separate stories which are played in parallel — although there is little direct connection between them — the two stories share strong thematic elements. Both stories focus on Vella or Shay, who find themselves in situations they long to escape.
Read a thorough review: The Video Game 'Broken Age' Brings Us #BlackGirlMagic on Black Girl Nerds.