Review: Debby Friday's Death Drive

Written by
The Quietus

Review: Debby Friday's Death Drive

Written by
The Quietus

Review: Debby Friday's Death Drive

Written by
The Quietus
DEATH DRIVE borrows its name from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. The idea that a drive towards death and destruction exists alongside and in opposition to the more common human instinct to survive. This drive in inseparable from the human body. We can repress it but it will always make an appearance. It exists in our subconscious and feeds off our darkest thoughts. When we begin to allow this side of us to appear, we learn that we take joy in the repetition of acts that we know will cause destruction.

"Debby Friday knows the consequences of seeking such thrills but ignores them. 'Fuck you, I’m great’ is the overarching attitude. Focusing on what she wants and only that is the crux of the album. But you're brought along this journey. Her vocals seducing you into the unknown where sex, contradictions, violence, and solitary pleasure draw out your true self, thrusting you into the unknown. You're scared but you're loving it." 

Read the full review The Lead Review Destructive Urges: Debby Friday's Death Drive on The Quietus.