This CBD Water Isn’t A Magic Cure-all For Anxiety But It's Close
On any given day I suffer from mild to spicy anxiety but with my disability, Attention Deficit Disorder, it can be further agitated by simply taking my Adderall. If you've ever taken Adderall medicinally (not recreationally), then you know that it has a long list of symptoms including but not limited to inducing anxiety making it an overall uncomfortable, lose-lose situation. Recess was recommended by a classmate whose anxiety makes my anxiety attacks look like a cakewalk, but I digress. I can't say for sure if it would be a lasting solution but here's what I can say...
Continue reading the post This CBD Water Isn’t A Magic Cure-all For Anxiety But It's Close on XoNecole for the full review, and more info on Recess CBD water.
Each can of Recess is only packed with 25 calories and 6 grams of sugar, delivering a mild but tasty kick with the following taste: Blackberry Chai (my fave), Peach Ginger, and Pomegranate. Arguably, an assortment of flava reserved for a boujee palette (It's me. The boujee palette is me).

Continue reading the post This CBD Water Isn’t A Magic Cure-all For Anxiety But It's Close on XoNecole for the full review, flavors available, and more info on Recess CBD water.