The Surrealistic Lego Art from Ekow Nimako

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The Surrealistic Lego Art from Ekow Nimako

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The Surrealistic Lego Art from Ekow Nimako

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About the Artist

Ekow Nimako has been making art with Lego his entire life. It began when he was four and later took root in the sculpture studios of York University, evolving over the years into a fascinating contemporary art practice unlike any other. Along with his uniquely fluid building style, Nimako’s keen attention to form and content deeply rooted in fantasy and other-worldly Black narratives has enabled his artwork to transcend the iconic bricks and reach new heights of materiality and substance.

The latest Ekow Nimako installation (pictured) is called Building Black: Mythos body of work. This artwork will exhibit starting Sept 13th 2019 at the Museum for Urban Contemporary Art (UCA Urban Nation) Biennale during Berlin Art Week.

"To Feed the Village the Young Must Grow” made with over 60,000 LEGO pieces. Images @samuelengelking

“To Feed the Village the Young Must Grow” made with over 60,000 LEGO pieces.  Images @samuelengelking

Cavalier Noir via @ekownimako