Artist Series: Rewriting History by Fabiola Jean-Louis

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Artist Series: Rewriting History by Fabiola Jean-Louis

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Artist Series: Rewriting History by Fabiola Jean-Louis

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In the color photographs of Rewriting History, female subjects look out from their frames, surrounded by the trappings of Baroque luxury, garbed in what appear to be fine silks and taffeta.

Fabiola Jean-Louis is a rising star, mixing photography with historic themes. She is Haitian born and Brooklyn raised. Her images feature black subjects against magical and whimsical backdrops. Her current series, "Rewriting History: Paper Gowns and Photographs" is a throwback to the Elizabethan, Jacobean, Georgian and Victorian eras. Jean-Louis subverts chattel slavery, black cruelty and female European nobility by dressing black and brown women in period clothing. - Blavity

Learn more about the current series, Rewriting History, and order prints of her artwork on her website

via Fabiola Jean-Louis website
Fabiola Jean-Louis began taking self-portraits as a matter of convenience, shyness, and because she knew how to convey the stories she wanted to tell using her body. Later, her work grew to include other subjects, and costumes, as well as sculptures made entirely out of paper. Today, her practice is focused on experimentation through the use of different techniques, disciplines, and even art styles.