An interview with Guitar Gabby on Owning Your Craft in the Music Industry
In January 2016, TxLips (Translation: two lips) was born. TxLips, founder, and guitarist, Gabriella Logan – a.k.a. “Guitar Gabby” – is on a mission to elevate Black female musicians in the world of rock. From self-managing to studying law, Guitar Gabby lives and breathes the hustle. In 2020, she will release two debut albums: The Txlips Prison of Life and Guitar Gabby’s Musicology.
In 2020, the 27-year-old Atlanta-based musician, manager, and lawyer is ready to self-release not one, but two debut full-lengths—with the Txlips and her solo project, Guitar Gabby.
On April 5th, Logan will release Musicology as Guitar Gabby, her first solo album to date. Three months later, on July 31st, the Txlips will release Prison of Life, a follow-up to their genre-bending EP Queens of the New Age. “You can expect a different side of my writing,” she says. “It will be a blend of more guitar work and different styles of guitar and vocals. The new Txlips album is more grunge driven, while the Guitar Gabby album is an Orianthi vibe.”
Continue reading the full interview at the post: Guitar Gabby on Owning Your Craft in the Music Industry on SheShreds Magazine
"To represent Black women and be in this capacity, to play in this world of Rock, to be in the forefront trying to lead and carry the torch, is something that is very important to me." - Gabby via Nice&Rough